تاریخ شروع ثبت نام در همایش
20 تیر 1401
تاریخ شروع دریافت مقاله در همایش
20 تیر 1401
آخرین مهلت ثبت نام
10 شهریور 1401
آخرین مهلت ارسال مقاله
10 شهریور 1401
تاریخ برگزاری
18 الی 20 آبان 1401
دانشگاه بیرجند
اعلام نتایج داوری
10 مهر 1401
With the outbreak of Covid-19, the realm of teaching and learning foreign languages in general and Teaching English as a Foreign Language in particular (TEFL) was drastically affected. The most significant influence was the suspension of in-person courses and the sudden shift of instruction to virtual education. Being an obligatory transition, online courses have presented teachers, students, and researchers with unpreceded and under-researched challenges and experiences. The aim of the 19th International TELLSI conference is to address these emerging issues and to delve into the latest trends and directions in English language education. As such, the leading theme of the conference includes “Emerging Issues in Foreign Language Education with Online Teaching in the Spotlight”